Sunday, July 27

cat pee and cork....


No one should have to start their day by putting their foot in a shoe full of cat pee.

Yes, that happened and I am just now recovering.

And not any shoes mind you, noooooooo......... they are my new and expensive, going travelling and needed to break in, shoes.
 Sigh..I blame D...he knows this one spot in the house is a cat magnet and if the litter box is notto  the Duchess's liking she will look elsewhere. To D's credit , he has soaked and cleaned and we are hopeful the shoes can be salvaged..but...cork and leather.......I don't know.
it would not be fun to be on a train in Romania, sharing a berth with strangers and stinking of cat pee.....really...just not cool!

1 comment:

  1. awww.How do you know it was Abby?? Poor thing. Yes, cats definately need a clean litter box!! tee hee. I know that all too well!
    SOunds like the shoes were beautiful though. I am sure they can be saved!


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