Saturday, June 27

It is...


A glass of full bodied wine,
alarm clock facing the wall - it has been naughty,
a house of furries excited for the attention,
a garden of delights with Daiv span ahead of me.


I love summer.

Thursday, June 25

Rest peacefully Michael jackson

I am so sad to hear that Michael Jackson has left this world.

His talent is undeniable and the mark he made in the world of modern music, untouchable.

A tortured soul who was not well understood and whom I hope is shining bright and at peace now.

His music certainly influenced my own experience in the 80s and 90s and recently in a band I was a part of, KingBong.
Singing his words "Never Can Say Goodbye" certainly seems poignant now as his music, genius and legend live on.

My thoughts go to his children and close friends who knew the real Michael.

click on here for video

Monday, June 22

3 years...woosh!


3 years ago, a sad, scared, shy and nervous little faery cat decided we were her humans and cast her spell.
We brought her home and immediately she transformed and became "Lunassa La fey" moongirl of the faeries and has brought love and light and magic to our home ever since.

Here are a few memories of the last 3 years....

the mirror has two faces

stole Daiv's heart from the first look..

And Niko and nessa love each other....and her bowl

and 3 years later...

I'm wishing....

for a plane to whisk me away to a land where the voices I hear are not my language.
Where the smells are exciting and unfamiliar and where I am stirred by the beauty.

Sigh...will go to sleep and dream now
.....of those wonderful faraway lands
... that call me.,


Daiv.......we are going to Spain!........soon!

Friday, June 19

Tick Tock

staccato rhythms
out a breath.
Short, consonants,
tick tock.
Bouncing the hands of a clock,
the clock


Thursday, June 18

Poisonous plant to animals, please have a read...

Please have a look and see if you or anyone you know has this plant.
This is from Burnt Hills Vet Hospital:

"Sago Palm" or "Cycad"
Poisoning Alert- It has come to our attention that many home improvement stores are selling a houseplant that can cause serious poisoning in pets and children. The plant is called the “Sago Palm” or “Cycad”. It is also referred to as “The Oldest Known Plant”. It is used in outdoor landscaping in Southern States, but can only survive as a houseplant in the North. All of this plant, including the seeds and root ball are toxic. Signs of illness first appear about 12 hours after ingestion and include gastrointestinal sign such as vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy. The toxins in the plant lead to severe liver failure with progressive weakness, jaundice, bruising and bleeding and other signs of liver failure that lead to death. It is estimated that 75-80% of animals ingesting this plant will die in spite of aggressive medical treatment. If you have one of these plants in your home you will want to be sure to keep it away from pets and children, preferably by disposing of it safely in a covered trash can or “rehome” it with someone who does not have pets or young children in the household

Sunday, June 14


Yes...the screaming insanity of the neighbour's children stopped long enough to enjoy the pond for a time today...

and Niko took great pleasure in running about the place with a goofy grin and occasional woof.

Unfortunately, as soon as those same kids start screaming again, Niko my courageous sled dog, looks like this and comes inside...

Is it really necessary...

To let your small children scream at the top of their lungs for hours at a time..sometimes happy noises, sometimes tantrums, so your neighbours are unable to enjoy their own backyard...their little oasis they have tried to create in their world?

Really......can you all just teach your kids that screaming at that level incessantly is just not okay...I mean COME ON.

If I let my dogs bark, for the amount of time the neighbours right behind, let their kids scream, I would be fined.

I am so frustrated. Second Hand Noise... It is enough to make a screamer out of me.

Saturday, June 13


People baffle me.
sniping, griping, whining

Don't they know there is much more than that?

Moaning, groaning, bemoaning.
Turning their face from the joy in simple things.

a leaf, flecked with dew and light
a bird tugging its morning worm from the morning damp earth
a cat on the prowl, slithering in the dust
a simple happiness in going through their daily routines.

Truly , people baffle me.

Wednesday, June 10

Costumes and needles and pins...oh my!


What does this mean you ask?

Well it means on any given day you will find me madly typing program notes, making "to do" lists, making "to take" lists, sewing costumes pieces, raiding the house for props and what have you.

Today I am a wash of velvet and pleather, making cloaks and medieval boots/spats.
Sigh I also have glued my fingers together working on the armour with a hot glue gun more than a few times.

It is about this time of the year I wonder just how crazy I really am??? :)

Answer is.......pretty nutsy!

Tuesday, June 9

what say you?

I am devoting today to hearing what is on your minds?
Please leave a comment and share what is keeping you all busy, or not :) on this lovely June day.

Monday, June 1 she you?

She lifts her hand
and waves
to the passersby that only know her
Old and broken

Where was she?

Her feet pacing the halls from
a wheelchair,
no longer supporting body
yet propelling from place to place...

Where is she?

She searches the halls
for the familiar
seeing only
confusion and questions.

Who is she?

She smiles,
a distant memory , her friend and solace
and then a glimpse of now,

She is here.

She scuffles her feet towards the dining room..
smells of fish and mushy potaoes awaiting..
she stops..

Where was she?