Wednesday, February 11

People are strange...

And I have that Doors song stuck in my head.

I love the Doors, it is really too bad a boyfriend I had in high school broke up with me by playing "The End" on his guitar....Damn musicians!
Ofcourse we got back together..broke back together....broke up... together...

...well you get the picture sigh.......those tender hearts...

Anyway I digress.
The Doors...I listen to them and feel a little naughty, a little sensuous, and a little gritty.
It is the same feeling I get when I listen to "Black Magic Woman" really loud in the wee hours.

I close my eyes and am transported, the sound of wind chimes in the distance, a faint trace of ocean salt on my lips and a joint burning slowly down. I must dance...eyes closed, feet making circles on the floor, arms twisting in an imagined breeze above my head.

When I was 15 I read "No one Here Gets Out Alive" and I was sure..I mean so SURE, I was Pamela reincarnate.I looked deep into the eyes of a half naked Jim Morrison poster and knew those eyes were just for me.
Sigh....I was so sure.

This was further reinforced by meeting a certain boy ( mentioned above ) who believed he was Jim reincarnate.
Okay there may have been some ummm..."unmentionables" involved with that, he thought I was a unicorn/Pamela, I thought he was the Lizard King-Tee hee... but we believed it ...
and ...well... we know how THEY ended......Damn musicians.

I am now listening to the sound of Jim singing/chanting/lusting live on an old album and I my feet make circles on the floor.
Thank the Goddess for Musicians!


  1. Wow. Now your post just brought back a memory that has not surfaced in a very long time...very.

    Love the Doors...of course.
    I "hung out with" a guy in the mid/late 90's who just worshiped Jim. Looked a bit like him (smidge fleshier and shorter hair, but still) and knew all the music and was taking guitar lessons. (He was 2 years my junior...what is it with me and younger men?)
    Jewish, but lapsed. His parents hated rock and I think it just fueled him on.
    He may have been younger, but he was not dumb...and was willing to share what he knew! ;)

    Sweet guy, and it was fun to listen to the music with him, he was so transported by it. I wonder where he is now, and if he still has the same love for them or if it faded with his hormonal youth.

    Anyway. Wow. Thanks Kimmee! Some memories I don't mind having dredged up! :D

  2. all I can think of are the unicorn and Jim Morrison posters in your bedroom on cadboro bay rd! tee hee...

  3. This my favorite picture of The Jim.


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