A cat has been up a tree for almost 2 weeks.
Media, police, Firedep't have all been called...nothing has been done.
Tree trimmers called, charging $250 for job and still nothing is being done.
It is so upsetting to think upon this little scared cat, becoming ill from lack of food and water, being left to die in a tree....
Please write and call the following first selectman and flood their inboxes.
We can bring a positive outcome to this , but we need to speak now...
Essex Town Hall
29 West Avenue
Essex, CT 06426
This is the email I have sent....
To Phil Miller
First Selectman
Essex, Connecticut;
There is a kitty stuck 50 ft high in a tree in ( street address edited out ) Ivoryton, Connecticut AND STILL THERE!
This has been going on for almost two weeks , media, fire dep't, and animal control have all been contacted and yet, this kitty remains in this tree with no one willing to do what needs to be done to bring it down.
It is so shameful that a small town can not pull together and get one scared, and becoming fatally ill with lack of food and water, Kitty out of a tree.
It could be be the inspiration to bring a community together, instead it is quickly becoming a life and death situation for that kitty.
What does this teach our children about compassion and community.
Please bring together the resources necessary to put an end to this situation and get this cat to a vet. asap
Every minute counts.
Sincerely, Kimberly ******** *********
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