Monday, July 6

Still Have a Way To Go....

This map of gay rights globally is a bit of a wake up call.
There is still much, much more work to do...
click on pic to enlarge and read the stats..

Thx to Chris Mackenzie for taking this photograph.


  1. That sucks.
    I was certainly aware of the areas in dark colors, but to see so much of my own country (supposedly the most free, opportunity-filled place on the planet-ha) so light pink. It is actually sickening.

    Canada looks more and more inviting all the time.

    You get wrapped up in a local scene where folks seem to be well accepted (despite the lack of rights to marriage/unions)and it makes you feel like things are on the right track, then you see a map like that.
    Boo America. Shame on us.

  2. You need to see the movie Milk, it put a lot of this into perspective about why the light pink is so prevalent. Yup, still much work to do.

    Thanks for your comments Sadie.

  3. I have not seen the new movie made about Harvey, but I have seen the documentary on his life.
    He was a great and fascinating person. It does explain some things. Still awful though.
    I look forward to the Sean Penn movie very much.
    We seriously need to get over ourselves.

  4. Well, as you know, Kimmee, I do not agree with same sex marriage but have no objection to "partner rights". In fact, I do not understand why they do not exist legally for all people living in "committed relationships".

    I do worry that many believe that objection to same sex marriage means hatred of homosexuals and a wish to deny rights which simply is not true.

    As has been said before by many people - good people can disagree. Hateful people are going to be hateful regardless of laws.


Tell me all about yourself.