Monday, March 28

Day 6- pic of someone/thing who makes you laugh

This question asked..."who/what makes you laugh?"  makes one go tromping through memory lane.
Oh man...the memories....

I am blessed with a lot of wonderful people in my life. I know this and appreciate everyone so much for all the gifts they possess.

It is not hard however to pick the one person above all others who consistently makes me laugh messy giggles, hysterical guffaws, tears down face have to pee, kind of laughter that hurts your face, and that person is Kirstie.

She is simply one of the most shameless gigglers of all time with an infectious, mischevious spirit and the fun we have together is unlike any other. 'Trouble', is one way we have been described together.

Sadly, we can only get together every couple of years, from our far off worlds, and release some of the giggle steam that has been building. I would love to have a little of that every day.

This pic is Kirstie and I, moments after she convinced me to look in the fountain in Gijon and look for the invisible fish..
umm *SPLASH* is what I got instead.

In our current state of turmoil in the world...laugher could well prove to be our best ally.

Love you Kirstie...

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