Monday, June 20

RIP baby bunnies

My apologies for not updating this sooner. Things got crazy busy with show season all of a sudden.

As we last checked in, the bunnies had a 10% chance of survival and we were hopeful but trying to be realistic.
In the end, 2 weeks of living life to the fullest, with love and full bellies saw our bunnies leave us quickly. Playing , hopping and happy one hour..and the next...gone :(

The best chance of survival includes at least 5 days of mom's milk and as we can not get close to replicating all the good things in it....we knew chances were small and tried to look at it as bunny hospice. Our bunnies were only two days old when Niko found them.

We really appreciate all the support we had with them. Thye brought a lot of joy while they were with us.

They are now bunny faeries in our garden.
In their honor,  we bought a series of dragonfly garden lights to twinkle at dusk in the garden.

1 comment:

Tell me all about yourself.