Thursday, December 8


We have had Flame, our Tortie with tude feline for almost 19 years. She is Abby's kitten and we have known her since she was born in our home.
She is feisty and hissy, loves dogs, hates cats, hates anyone but us, but is really very loving in her own way.

I am writing about her as I realize she does not get mentioned enough in my posts or pics.

Today is the story of Flame and the Banana Cream Pie.

We were having a BBQ.
Invited many friends, potluck style to our home and were enjoying a hot sunny Victoria summer day back in the mid 1990's

One of our guests had brought a huge, I'm talking 4 inch high, home made banana cream pie and had placed it on our kitchen table, waiting to be served.

I was organizing things with Daiv, in and out of the kitchen,  but , I had not seen a pair of flame coloured eyes, gazing longingly at this pie.
I had not seen 4 white socked paws, resting on the chair directly under said pie poised to pounce.
I had not seen the craze this pie had induced in our Flame...
I had not seen, until I walked into the kitchen and spied Flame, knee deep with all four paws IN the pie, face planted in the cream up to the tender furries in her ear.
I had not seen her passion for pie until it was too late.

I remember yelling "FLAAAAAAAAAAAAME NO" only to be met with a steely gaze, whipped cream globs dripping from her whiskers back onto the destroyed pie, looking at me as if to say -
"what, what are you looking at, nothing to see here" - as she gingerly stepped out of the pie, the way a cat walks in snow...step, flick, step flick, throwing dirty looks at me over her shoulder as she flicked pie  and cream from one end of the kitchen to the other.

I have many more stories like this to share, stay tuned.
Flame is in all ways a really cat, who thinks she is a dog.

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