Sooo..something, not someone......something I love.
Well there is a pretty broad field to choose from but I have loved Crows for as long as I remember.
I have been lucky to know several crows over the years.
There was a crow named Toby who would hang, hippity hoppying along the windowsill beside me in grade 5.
He would wait for recess and lunch to get leftovers...or steal your paper bag if you weren't watching.
Such a comedian and such an integral part of the school's landscape for years.
There was an albino crow named "Snowball" we got to know at our local bird store....a very cool and funny creature who could not be in the wild as he was different. Different is not welcome in Crow Murders.
There was also our crow " Indigo".
I saved Indigo when just a baby after it had been kicked out of its nest and was being attacked by its "murder" once on the ground.
Daiv and I raised her by hand feeding cat food, worms and bugs all mushed up, with an eye dropper for three months, every 90 minutes til she learned to eat on her own.
That was a good day :)
A friend helped to build a huge aviary for Indigo to live in outside. She would never have made it in the larger world as we had originally intended due to some genetic twisty feet and beak issues, but 'different' was welcome in our house, so she stayed.
Indigo was friends with all our menagerie, riding on the back of Sage's neck, sitting beside Abby on the floor and hopping up to strangers with her special hop/walk/flap dance.
She spent every evening indoors sitting on one of us and playing with shiny sparkly things or turning off the television with her beak on the remote, especially David Letterman.
Indigo was a great spirit teacher for all of us.
Something I love...Crows....
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