Sunday, August 31

Sage-More please...

Well dear ol' Sage continues to surprise us by improving all the time and having much more comfortable mobility, getting up and down quickly, jumping ( d slowed her down) out of the truck at the beach and proving once again...she is a feisty old girl.
Her fur is coming in now again too.

She has also rediscovered food with a vengeance, and has taken to rattling her stainless steel foodbowl about by putting her paw in it once empty and banging it into the wall for more food....lolololololol!

I am extremely relieved to be leaving her like this for two months, happy and healthy ( touch wood ) and loving up life. It is a long way from where she was after the vet misdiagnosed her and put through so much crap.
I know D can handle what comes but I want her here when I come home! Please send her your hopeful healthy vibes too.

Paws are crossed and hopeful.


  1. of course she will be there!! SHe will want to hear all about your adventures!!

  2. If I had a dog, I'd want one just like Sage... so full of life. Of course she'll be there after your whirlwind of adventures...


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