Friday, April 22

day 13- pic of your favourite musician or band

Favourite musician you ask?
One answer....only one.



If you had known my sidekick Cindy Loo Hoo and I in the 80s, you would know that every sign post in our hood had a green ink   'I heart Sting' on it.

You would know that 'Dream of the Blue Turtles' was my anthem album and 'If you Love the Russians too" my motto and we listened to it A LOT in Cindy's basement. I still listen to it ....on vinyl.

You would know I could only mumble the words " I think you guys are really hot" out loud when given the opportunity to talk to HIM face to face.
 (Atleast that is how the pathetic sentence sounded in my head, what came out of my mouth through my hyperventilating body was more like ' I thkxsz youzea rawwly haaawwwttttttt' )

Gack, I still blush over the mortification of that one.

Sting let me down on one front though, he married someone else on horseback. I am still in therapy over that. How could he betray me?

Seriously...... I Heart Sting!

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