Saturday, August 16


Haven't written for a bit.
I needed some time to truly take in what the loss of my mentor and friend has meant.

Death has a funny way of sending you inwards, introspective and quiet.
I have felt a bit like the ground was shaken by this passing, disconnected someho however, the service of almost 500 people outside in a park, helped to remind me that time may pass, but the people you make authentic connections with don't disappear from your life, they are simply the echoes of your life, calling back to you when you need to hear their voices, never truly quiet or stilled.

I am 3 weeks away from leaving this town I know so well, the people, the places, the order to head to a great unknown for truly the first time.

I can't help but think that this all happens for a reason and while looking inward for that reason I am reminded once again about the strength of inner calm and quietude.
J taught me that, and until his passing, I had let go of it a bit, not realizing that the very gift he gave me is so needed as I step out into my two months abroad.

I am excited and planning and uplanning and changing plans and can't quite believe it is coming so quickly.
Does everyone feel this life changing obsorption when they travel? Is that why it is so addictive?

I am about to discover things in the world I have only read about, things that I have only dreamt of......and yet....there is a calm included in my excitement that wasn't there two weeks ago.
A knowing that it is all as it should be, the universe is unfolding and like a lotus, just starting to reveal all it has to offer......

I am open........oh hell ya....I am open and ready!


1 comment:

  1. Hugs Kimmee.
    I think it is great that a person like that can touch so many, and that you had the chance to be touched and inspired by him.


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